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Testimonial from Online Trainee Bernice Week 7 Day 4&5 ⁣ ⁣ 7 weeks ago, I couldn't even lift that darn thing called a barbell. I didn't even know the name of that darn thing and called it "Spring Bell and Jingle Bell". I am new to weight training and I knew nothing about it before I started. The gym was not unheard of, but for some reason, I just never got into it. People around me have always done it. I never saw the beauty in it and thought it was never challenging enough for me. I mean, I could be kicking and punching things instead of doing the same movements over and over again at a machine, right? ⁣ ⁣ Today, I am only 7 weeks in and here I am eating my own words and finally understanding the beauty of weight training. I finally understand why you'd grunt and moan while doing reps, and why everyday you look forward to heading to the gym in the morning and how pleasing it is to beat yesterday's goal. I am finally seeing the beauty in it, and that's the beauty of loving yourself, challenging yourself and accepting yourself. This weight training thing really changed me on a complete different level. Always up for a challenge, always looking for ways to improve myself. Thank you for this opportunity. ⁣ ⁣ ”Strong is the new beautiful.” ⁣ ⁣ https://linktr.ee/Trainerkenneth ⁣ #AskKenneth #Teamkenneth #OnlineCoaching #OnlineTraining⁣ #strongisnewbeauty #femalefitness #femaletraining #femaleworkout #musclebuilding #toning #getstronger #getleaner #relentless #goalsetting #NoExcuse #NeverGiveUp #Canada #fitnessmotivation #strongwomen #strongmom ⁣ #alwaysastudentalwayslearning #cantstopwontstop

Testimonial from Online Trainee Bernice Week 7 Da...